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Spotlighting 2019 Scholarship Recipients

These are our amazing Women of God Network Scholarship winners for 2019.  Please join me in praying for them and their continued success.  May they be a light, inspiration, and mentor to other young women.

Kapri Piner

January 2019

My name is Kapri Piner, and I am a previous recipient of The Women of God Network

Scholarship. I am coming to an end of my Sophomore year in college, and I just wanted to share a briefing of my experience and academic performance with the assistance of this scholarship.

I attend the first degree granting HBCU, Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. My university is full of Black excellence, and over the course of my experience I have found a strong love for my HBCU. Lincoln University is an institution that provides an family oriented college experience along with the educational support, guidance, and resources needed to be successful. During my second year experience I have learned a lot more about myself and my academic abilities, which wouldn’t be as accessible without the support of your organizations funding. This year brought many successes, along with some challenges. However with the assistance of this scholarship I was able to relieve some anxiety towards paying my remaining tuition balance and focus more

on the reason why I am here. As I am a student non-eligible for federal nor government assistance, this scholarship helped put a fine line between feeling defeated and persevering towards success. Due to Lincoln University being in a rural area, I looked at this environment as a barrier, when in actuality the nature of my university creates more successes and opportunities.

Before Lincoln University I thought college would be extremely hard. However, after

completing my second year as a college student, maintaining honors grades and repeatedly being awarded on the Deans List, I have observed college is exactly what you make it.

Angelica Wiltz

January 2019

My name is Angelica Wiltz and I am a graduate student at The George Washington

University pursuing my Masters Degree in Data Science. This past semester, I was a recipient of the Women of God Network scholarship. Words cannot describe how grateful I was to receive this scholarship, and I’m excited to share the many ways that the Lord has blessed me as a direct result of receiving this scholarship. This semester I entered my second semester as a fulltime student in the M.S. Data Science Program at The George Washington University located in Washington DC. I was unemployed during this semester and enrolled in three courses which were the hardest courses I have ever taken due to the extensive use of coding and mathematics, specifically Linear Algebra and Calculus, which I do not have a strong background in. As a result of the intensity of my courses, I struggled with understanding the concepts and I

was in fear that I was going to fail my classes and would have to drop out of the program. However, through having faith and prayer, the Lord led me to invest in additional books and resources outside of my assigned course materials in order to help me understand my courses better. I was able to use the WGN scholarship to buy additional books in the areas of Machine Learning (which uses a lot of Linear Algebra and Calculus to write algorithms and codes) and Data Visualization to help me gain a deeper understanding. As a result, by God’s grace I was able to pass all of my classes and achieved a 3.23 GPA (which is a lot higher than I thought I would achieve). Also, from understanding the courses better and developing better coding and programming skills, at the end of this semester I was accepted into a Summer Research Fellowship at Harvard University to work as a fellow on their Technology Science Team this summer. The fellowship is fully paid with travel expenses and housing provided to me at no additional cost. Being able to buy those additional resources helped me to not only pass my classes but to also gain the necessary knowledge and skills that allowed me to have a successful application when applying for the Summer Research Fellowship. I will be taking those same books with me this summer to assist me in the research I will be conducting.

Aside from providing a way for me to be more successful in my coursework, I was also

able to use the funds from the scholarship to assist with my commute to and from campus. My mother and I moved during the middle of the semester, and although we are still located in the same city, moving added an additional 15-20 minutes to my commute to school which takes almost an hour and a half. In addition to traveling to campus three days a week for my classes, I had to travel on additional days to seek out tutoring and to visit my Professors in order to gain extra assistance. Being able to travel to and from campus almost 5-6 days per week without having to be worried or anxious about having enough money for transportation was a huge blessing. I was also able to use the funds to be a blessing to others as I traveled on through the train stations on my way to classes. Going to school in DC has opened my eyes to the extreme

homelessness issue that is plaguing the DC metro area. As a result, the Lord laid on my heart to give to the homeless that I would see as I passed by them or saw them in the train stations. Sometimes they would be sleeping but He still told me to give money to them so that they would be able to see it when they woke up. The Lord laid this issue on my heart so much that I decided to do one of my final projects on the issue of Homelessness in the U.S., and used data from The U.S. Housing and Urban Development Exchange to build a website from scratch using HTML, JS, and D3 code in order to examine homelessness among veterans, youth, and chronically homeless individuals. My testimony from this semester would not have been possible without the Women of God Network Scholarship, and I am extremely grateful for the

way the scholarship has aided me in pursuing my graduate studies.

Charity Lyons

January 2019

I want to take this time to thank the Woman of God Network for allowing me to be a scholarship recipient. This scholarship took a tremendous weight off of my shoulders as it covered the costs for all of my books and university fees for Spring 2019 semester. I finished this semester with a 4.0 grade point average!

This April, I was able to release my first single “Love on Replay”. I plan to continue giving back to my community by sharing the gift of God through song that lives would be changed, hearts will be healed, and minds be renewed in Christ. Upon completion of the Masters in Practical Theology at Regent University, I plan continue my studies to receive a Doctorate in Worship Studies. My goal is to train worship leaders, contemporary Christian Artists, and musicians utilizing biblical and practical application on how usher in presence of God in various worship settings.

I pray that the Lord will continue to bless the hands of every person that is part of the Woman of God Network. Thank you so much for believing in the vision God has given me to share with his people.

Tiro Serobe

January 2019

My name is Tiro Serobe. I am a rising sophomore at Ithaca College. I am currently majoring in Cinema and Photography with a concentration in Cinema Production. In addition, I am also minoring in African Diaspora studies. The funds that I have received through the Women of God Network has helped me continue to pursue my passion of learning and sharing stories. I used the funds towards the cost of my tuition thus, I was able to meet the financial requirements of my courses such as being able to afford textbooks and various technical purchases required for my degree. Receiving this scholarship was a blessing as I truly realised that through God all things are possible. This scholarship has motivated me to further pursue my passion for service within church and ministry. I am grateful to say that I have increased my service within church and subsequently my faith too has increased. I have found that through serving the Lord and wholeheartedly pursuing His plans and purposes for my future. I truly can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Thank you to the Women of God Network for being a blessing from the Lord and being an example of how impactful a woman of God truly is. Your aid has done so much more than you will ever know. 

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