About WGN
About WGN

The Women of God Network believes in the power of prayer. Both Corporate prayer and Individual prayer, we encourage you to keep the organization, our fellow sisters, our scholarship recipients and our country in your prayers.

The vision of the Women of God Network (WGN) is to help women be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2). Our mission is to help all women grow to become the women God created us to be. Our purpose is to encourage and equip each other to grow and take the authority given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ to live lives pleasing to our Father in Heaven. We encourage and equip each other to be victorious women of God in every area of our lives. We accomplish this through; (1) Study of the Word of God , (2) Corporate Prayer , (3) Fasting, (4) Fellowship, and (5) Giving of our Time, Talent, and Money. Our services will be offered through both a virtual WGN presence and in-person.